You requested it and it's finally there : you can now see several dyno test results overlaid on the same graph. This is very useful when you want to find which of your car's setups produce best performance, as we seen on the Corolla AE82 20V intakes comparison and the Mercedes 190E Turbo sizes comparison. This is possible thanks to our new analysis tool available on any mobile or desktop internet browser. This tool is available only for results that are stored online on the PerfExpert Network.
Follow the guide to compare your results :
2 - Open the desired car profile to see its test results
Here, you will only see results that have been uploaded from the app, either by clicking on 'Open web link' or by sharing via the 'Web' method from the app.
3 - Select the results you want to compare and click the 'Compare' button that appears at the bottom-right of the screen
You can select up to 3 results for comparison. For now, only dyno test results with the same units are comparable.
4 - See results comparison at each point of the curves
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